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  • 24th European Youth Championship – Updated 21.06.2024

    31.07.2024 - 10.08.2024

    Under the auspices of the European Draughts Confederation (EDC), Latvian Draughts Federation (EDF) will organize the 24rd European Youth Championship.The championship will be held from the 1st to the 9th of August 2024 in Jelgava Castle, Lielā iela 2, Jelgava, …

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EDC General Assembly

01.08.2015 - 01.08.2015

The 2015 EDC GA will be held in Tallinn, Estonia during EYC2015 on August 1. EDC General Assembly will be held on August 1, 2015 in Tallinn in Paul Keres Chess House, Vene Str 29.  Agenda: 1.      Opening and Welcome …

The 2015 EDC GA will be held in Tallinn, Estonia during EYC2015 on August 1.

EDC General Assembly will be held on August 1, 2015 in Tallinn in Paul Keres Chess House, Vene Str 29.


1.      Opening and Welcome

2.      Report on activities

3.      Election of candidates for the EDC President and the EDC Board.

4.      Discussion points

5.      Closing


Meeting time – August, 1st at 16.00-19.00

Reception and dinner after the meeting.

One delegate per federation will be hosted at the expense of the EDC at the hotel Dzingel, in Männiku Road 89 for 1 night in double room (2 persons in one room), dinner and breakfast from 1st of August. This offer is only valid for a federation without debts to FMJD. Federations are requested to communicate with the EDC office Viktoria Lehtmets in order to state the name of their delegate. Additional members of federations are welcome to visit Tallinn, but they cover their own expenses.


Ladies and gentleman, let the games begin!