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General Assembly 2021: Chianciano T. (Italy) 9th October at 14.00 – Agenda and attachments

As announced by EDC Protocol Number: 62/2021/ Deeds, Date: 25th August, 2021

EDC General Assembly will be held on October 9th (Saturday), 2021 in Chianciano Terme (Italy) at the Grand Hotel Excelsior, in Via Sant’Agnese n. 6, which is close to the playing hall of the European Teams Championships.
1. Opening and Welcome
2. Report on activities
3. European Draughts Confederation renewed Statute
4. European Draughts Confederation: Ordinary and Associate Members
5. Discussion points
6. Closing
Meeting time – October 9th at 14.00-18.30
Reception and dinner after the meeting (at 20.00).

Below invitation with agenda and documents.

EDC GA 2021 invitation and Agenda_v2 FR_EDC GA 2021 invitation et Agenda_v2 EDC GA 2021 invitation and Agenda_v2_RUS

Att_00    2019-08-03_EDC_GA_minutes            (Election of new EDC Executive Board)      

Att_01 Minutes of the EDC Executive Board Meeting n. 1 – 2019

Att_02 EDC Executive Board Meeting 13th June, 2020 – Minutes (ENG, RUS, FRA)

Att_03 EDC Executive Board Meeting 25th July, 2020 – minutes

Att_04 EDC “Extra Ordinary” Executive Board Meeting on 8th August, 2020 – minutes 

Att_05 EDC Executive Board Meeting on 22nd August, 2020 – minutes

Att_06 EDC Executive Board Meeting on 3rd October, 2020 – minutes

Att_07 EDC Executive Board Meeting on 31st October, 2020 – minutes 

Att_08 EDC Executive Board Meeting on 28th November, 2020 – minutes

Att_09 EDC Executive Board Meeting on 16th January, 2021 – minutes

Att_10 EDC Executive Board Meeting on 28th February, 2021 – minutes

Att_11 and Att_12  EDC Executive Board Meeting 3 and 4 2021 – minutes

Att_13 , 14, 15, 16  EDC Executive Board Meeting 5 2021 – minutes and documents     (Att_n. 13 EDC EB Meeting 5_2021 Minutes;  Att_14 EDC_new Statute_v4_May 2021;  Att_15 EDC EB attachment UPDATE Final List EDC; Att_16 EDC Report for FMJD GA 2021)

Att_17  EDC Anticovid Guidelines for playing draughts safely  

Att_18 and 19 EDC Financial Statements  … (Att_18 documents of Financial Stetement 2018 and 2019; Att_19 documents of Financial Statement 2020)

Att_20 EDC Executive Board Meeting 6 2021 – minutes

Att_21 EDC Executive Board Meeting 7 2021 – minutes

Att_22, 23 and 24 EDC_statute_ENG 2020 v6_Sept 2021

Att_23 EDC_statute_ITA v6_Sept 2021 for italian registration

Att_24 Annex 1 v6


Ladies and gentleman, let the games begin!