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EDC General Assembly and Executive Board brief news


Tallinn (Estonia), 5th August, 2023.

EDC General Assembly unanimously re-elected Carlo A. Bordini (Italy) as President of the European Draughts Confederation for the following four-year period (2023-2027).

Johan Demasure (Belgium), Tarmo Tulva (Estonia), Jan Zioltkowskyi (Germany), Magda Pawlowska (Poland) and Glib Ushakov (Ukraine) were elected as EDC Executive Board members.

Aare Harak (Estonia) was elected as Auditor; Ester van Muijen (Netherlands) as Deputy Auditor and Bart Stegeman (Slovenia) as Assistant Auditor.

During the first meeting of the Executive Board, on 6th August, Bellita D. Dottor (Italy) was proclaimed EDC General Secretary and other roles were appointed: Johan Demasure as Deputy Vice President and Director of Youth and Under 27 Tournaments; Tarmo Tulva as 2nd Vice President and Tournament Director; Jan Zioltkowski as Tournament Director of Veterans; Magda Pawlowska as Technical Director, Glib Ushakov as responsible for International Marketing. Even the “Athletes, Trainers and Referee Commission” was appointed: Rik Keurentjes (Netherlands) as chairman; Boris Darry (France), Marta Bankowska (Poland), Valentin Golubajev (Lithuania) and Uladislav Splendzer (IP) as members. Doctor Renato Capurro (Italy) was confirmed as Medical Officer.

William Doherty (France, Board WCDF) was appointed Delegate for Checkers; furthermore, a “Draughts-64 and other checkers/draughts commission” was established with going to be nominated members. Dario Ghittoni (Italy) was confirmed on the role of treasurer.

European national Federations will be invited to send applications for 2024 European Championships by the next 30th September, according to the EDC current Guide Lines for organizers (Board meeting Minutes September 2019, without free places in EYC as EDC General Assembly decided).

The next settled Board Meeting will take place at 6.30 p.m on 10th October (Rome/Berlin/Paris/Brussels time).



Ladies and gentleman, let the games begin!